Wednesday, December 22, 2010

deep links

The quantity of deep links on a website will demonstrate to search engines that the site has high-quality content within it. But take care not to stuff your webpages with deep links. This could tell search engines that your links are automatically produced.

source :  

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Quantcast & Alexa Internet, Inc.

Web Traffic Reporting Tools


Quantcast is a media measurement, web analytics service that allows users to view audience statistics for millions of websites. Quantcast Corporation's prime focus is to analyze the Internet's web sites in order to obtain accurate usage statistics by surfers from the USA. Like Alexa, Quantcast rates Web pages by ranks. Quantcast statistics always refer to the usage from the United States, therefore Alexa data and Quantcast data do not always show the same results. Quantcast does not require a toolbar to be installed upon one's web browser to obtain statistics. Instead participating websites voluntarily insert Quantcast HTML code inside Web pages they wish to have included in statistics. This code allows Quantcast to keep track of the traffic directed towards those Web sites.[4] Using this mechanism Quantcast can provide thorough details about Web pages created by participating publishers. Some of this information includes, for example, whether the Web page viewer is a male or female, whether the average viewer makes $30,000 USD annually or $100,000 USD annually, the age group of the viewer and the amount of U.S. homes the Web site reaches

Alexa Internet, Inc.

Once installed, the toolbar collects data on browsing behavior which is transmitted to the website where it is stored and analyzed and is the basis for the company's web traffic reporting.

source: wikipedia  

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Q: My site's PageRank has gone up / gone down / not changed in months!

Don't worry. In fact, don't bother thinking about it. We only update the PageRank displayed in Google Toolbar a few times a year; this is our respectful hint for you to worry less about PageRank, which is just one of over 200 signals that can affect how your site is crawled, indexed and ranked. PageRank is an easy metric to focus on, but just because it's easy doesn't mean it's useful for you as a site owner. If you're looking for metrics, we'd encourage you to check out Analytics, think about conversion rates, ROI (return on investment), relevancy, or other metrics that actually correlate to meaningful gains for your website or business.


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Link operator Yahoo

I for one do backlink research almost daily. Why is that so essential in SEO to know how to properly analyze backlinks?

* It educates. The established sites in your niche set an example to follow and give you an idea of how link building is done.

* It inspires. The more you know about pages linking to your competitor, the more ideas you get for link building for your own website. That shouldn’t be copying the competitor’s strategies – but this analysis gives you an idea in which direction to move forward.

* It keeps you up-to-date. Who’s my friend? (Learn who your partners are and do them a favor in return.) Where am I discussed? (Reputation management: participate in threads discussing you site.) And plenty of more important questions the analysis will be able to answer. Thus this time I will be looking into the ways to explore the site’s backlinks using link: operator in Yahoo:

* Find most relevant pages linking to a site/page: [linkdomain: keyword] Sample search: [jewelry related sites linking to]

* Find pages containing your keyword in the URL (another relevance-focused search): [link: inurl:keyword] Sample search: [jewelry related sites linking to]

* More variations of the above one (blog and social media specific): [link: inurl:keyword inurl:tag] Sample search: [jewelry related blogs linking to]

* More variations of the above one (to find discussion boards and forums): [link: inurl:keyword inurl:forum OR inurl:forums] Sample search: [jewelry related forums linking to]

* Find pages containing your keyword in the page title [link: intitle:keyword] Sample search: [jewelry related sites linking to]

* Find .edu or .gov sites linking to the page [link: OR] Sample search: [.edu or .gov sites linking to]

* Find pages of various file types [link: originurlextension:xml] (file types: HTML, PDF, Excel (.xls), PowerPoint (.ppt), Word (.doc), RSS/XML (.xml), and text format (.txt)) Sample search: [.xml pages linking to]

* Find pages of different geographic location [link: region:europe] Sample search: [European based sites linking to] Available country options:

* region:europe

* region:africa

* region:asia

* region:centralamerica

* region:downunder

* region:mediterranean

* region:mideast

* region:northamerica

* region:southamerica

* region:southeastasia



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Banned from Google – What Now?

Google rarely bans websites but may issue Google ranking penalties for websites it feels are trying to manipulate Search Engine rankings. Ranking penalties are issued to websites that Google feels are manipulating the Search Engine Page Rankings (SERPs). However, while a sudden ranking drop may be the result of black hat SEO and foul play, there may also be other less sinister reasons for your disappearing act on Google. Before you hit the panic button, start hyperventilating and send out a search party to find your missing ranking, read on to find out why your website may have taken a sudden dive on Google.

Life is good … you have invested a lot of money in your website, created what you think is great compelling content, focused on your link building and now you’re reaping the returns of your investment and your website is steadily climbing up the Google ladder. However, one day you check your Google rankings, you have had a sudden ranking drop and your page #1 ranking is no longer to be found … now what? If you’re doing all the right things and following Search Engine guidelines, there is no need to panic that your Google ranking has had a sudden ranking drop. The first thing you need to do is check whether you have been banned altogether. Do a site search by typing in– and see if Google return any results. If your website returns results, good news! You’re not out of the woods yet and your website may be subjected to Google ranking penalties but your site isn’t banned from Google. There are several reasons why your Search Engine ranking may have dropped and these include:

Search Engine stuff-ups:

Before taking drastic action make sure isn’t just a temporary anomaly in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). It happens. Your Search Engine ranking may correct itself in a few days without any exertion, heavy breathing or action on your part.

robots.txt file:

Another common reason your site can disappear from Google is that your web developer inadvertently changed the robots.txt file. A robots.txt file restricts access to your site by Search Engine robots that crawl the web. If the robots.txt file is written or set up incorrectly, this could be stopping the Search Engine spiders to stop visiting your website.

Server downtime:

The most common reason that your site might disappear from Google is that your server was down when the Search Engine spiders came to leave their calling card and re-index your site. If your web server has too much downtime and its affecting your rankings, it might be time to get a new web host or new and stable web server.

Over-optimised text:

Are other pages in your site out-ranking the page you targeted for the particular keyword? If so, de-optimise for the keyword you took a major drop on; look at the backlink profile and create new links or change existing links to target related keywords rather than exact match for targeted keywords.


Websites that provide back links to your website also help boost your website Search Engine ranking. If those links are removed for some reason, this may affect your position in the SERPs. Contact the webmasters and find out why those links have been removed and a continual focus on your link building activities.

Link profile:

Look at your link profile for the entire site – does it look natural? Are there too many anchor-text links on your targeted keywords? Create some links with only your URL as the link text and variations of it e.g., www.yoursite .com, Search engines expect to see this in a natural link profile.

Duplicated text:

The drop in rankings may also be due to someone duplicating copy from your website and lead to Google Ranking penalties. It could be that someone has copied your site, and that Google, finding identical pages, has decided to give your competitor the benefit of doubt. There are tools readily available on the Web which can check for duplicated text.

In truth, a site banned from Google is a rarity. You’re more likely to get Google Ranking penalties where there is a sudden ranking drop. This may be due to black hat SEO activities that you may or may not be aware of. These include:

Keyword spamming:

This involves stuffing a page with keywords that are out of context or have no relation to the body content. This is done to manipulate Search Engine results. Keywords need to be inserted seamlessly and naturally into text.


This involves developing highly optimised pages which are only shown to Search Engine spiders to boost the ranking of a website. These pages cannot be seen by visitors to the website. The cloaking is usually combined with doorway pages (see below).

Doorway pages:

This involves creating pages designed purely for Search Engines to manipulate them into giving the website a higher ranking. Doorway pages contain no valuable content for human readers. A Google-friendly alternative is to create keyword rich landing pages on your website which direct readers to real content on the site.

Invisible text:

This involves putting keywords in text that is invisible to visitors viewing the website but visible to Search Engine spiders. Google see this as trying to artificially boost rankings and can issue Google Ranking penalties for this black hat SEO technique.

Link farms: This is the practice of buying links or paying websites to link back to your website in the hope of improving your Search Engine ranking. If you are linking to ‘bad neighbourhoods’ or shonky websites, this can also affect your rankings. Link building activities will only affect your ranking positively if the links are related to your website, credible and trustworthy.

Whoops … you’re banned from Google, what now?

Google ranking penalties are far more common than banning and usually can be easily rectified by de-optimising. If your site is banned from Google altogether, this means you have to systematically undo the risky optimisation techniques you undertook and ask for re-inclusion. This involves contacting Google directly at and including the following in your submission: * acknowledge violation of the Search Engine guidelines * outline what you have done to rectify this mistake * reassure Google that you will not violate the guidelines again and * ask for re-inclusion If you hired an SEO company that spammed on your behalf, state the firm’s name and contact information and include full contact information. Google will usually react to such detailed requests and you may find some of your pages back in the index within a couple of weeks. It can take months before your whole website is re-indexed so the loss of traffic generation from Search Engines, Google ranking penalties or a website that is not indexed on Google can spell huge trouble for your online business. A sudden drop in rankings or your website being banned can have serious implications for your website. If you have experienced a dramatic fall in traffic which is impacting on your leads generation and online revenue, contact us and find out more about our SEO Forensic Audit. This is usually requested in emergency situations when there are Google ranking penalties applied to a website or the website is banned altogether.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Importance of keyword in bold or strong tag

The keyword in bold or strong tag specifies that it has slightly more importance than other text on the web page. These bold keywords are given a second look and taken into account by the search engines. Therefore, with specific SEO algorithms, the search engines such as Google, MSN, and Yahoo will give emphasis to the keywords that are highlighted using bold or strong tag.

Source: PRLog Free Press Release

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